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Calling all Atlantic County attorneys-


The Young Lawyers Division (“YLD”) is currently seeking nominations for Lawyer of Atlantic County (“LOAC”)! Please note that once a nomination is submitted, the nominated attorney will remain listed as a nominee until featured.


What is LOAC?

Every other month, the YLD features a LOAC. LOAC was inspired by the Humans of New York (“HONY”) movement and similarly seeks to highlight inspiring local stories. The YLD interviews the LOAC and publishes an article to social media and the YLD website. The goal is to spotlight the active, diverse, and philanthropic bar in Atlantic County, while simultaneously allowing the LOAC to give encouraging and practical advice for other local attorneys, including the young clerks and attorneys involved in the YLD.


Who is the LOAC?

The LOAC can be of all ages, levels of experience, and backgrounds. The LOAC is involved in the community, either through the Atlantic County Bar Association or other community organizations and non-profits. Also, the LOAC may be someone who practices in a non-traditional manner, such as an attorney with a non-profit organization. The LOAC may also be someone who took a non-traditional path to becoming an attorney. Essentially, the LOAC can be any attorney in Atlantic County with an inspirational and informative story to tell!

#LOAC Honorees:

Want to nominate a local attorney for the next edition of #LOAC? 

Message us below!

Lawyers of Atlantic County

was created in 2015 by the Atlantic County Bar Association Young Lawyers Division

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