Joint CLE Panelist Dinner: Recap
Last night the ACBA and CMCBA Young Lawyers Divisions put on their first joint CLE event at Congress Hall in Cape May, and it is safe to say that it was a success!
The event was a Panelist Dinner featuring Judge Donio, Judge Gibson, Judge Batten, Judge Light and Judge Belasco as panelist-speakers who answered questions submitted in advance by bar members. The questions were both entertaining and thought provoking, and they elicited engaging and, at times, humorous responses from our judges.
The YLD would like to take this opportunity to thank all 5 juges who graciously fielded questions all night and, not only entertained but educated us all. The standing ovation and applause at the end of the dinner speaks for itself. In our opinion, this was one of the most enjoyable, if not the best all around, CLE we have ever attended!
We would also like to thank all the members of the ACBA and CMCBA who submitted challenging questions for us to pose to the panelists. Without your questions, the night would have surely been much less entertaining.
Finally, we would like to thank Chris Gillan-Schwartz and the CMCBA Young Lawyers Division for reaching out and bringing us along for this event. The ACBA Young Lawyers Division looks forward to hosting more events with our friends in Cape May and look forward to working with them again, soon!