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Another Successful Children's Holiday Party Hosted by the YLD

Today the ACBA Young Lawyers Division hosted 60 students from two Title I Schools in Atlantic County at the Atlantic County Civil Courthouse for the Children's Holiday Party. Thanks to the Atlantic County Law Clerks, the jury room where the party is held was already decorated at Griswald status when members arrived around 7:00am to deliver the gifts for the children to place them under the tree. Thanks also to our Director of Fundraising Bridget Sykes (Fox Rothschild) who donated a new Christmas tree for use in the Children's Holiday Party.

HUGE THANKS to our wonderful ACBA members who donated, without whom we would not have been able to afford the 300 gifts for the childdren, and to our hardworking members, who not only handpicked each gift for each child, but also handwrapped them for several hours after work earlier this week. And thanks to our Children's Holiday Party Point Person, Alexa Makris; YLD Secretary Nick Logothetis, and members Jessica Rodio, Allison Nickels, Mandi Bucceroni, Kasi Gifford and Dan Solt who helped deliver gifts and set them under the tree from 7:00-7:30am.

First- and second-graders from Pennsylvania Avenue School (Atlantic City) and North Main Street School (Pleasantville), who were chosen on a need basis by their teachers, were scheduled to arrive at 9:45am. However, Pennsylvania Avenue was so excited for the party that they arrived an hour early. Thanks to the genius of point person Alexa Makris, we were able to entertain the students with games like 'Simon Says' until North Main Street School arrived and the magic show got started.

Local magician Chad Juros from Captive Entertainment returned for a third year in a row to perform a private magic show for the children to get the party started. The magic show started promptly at 10:00am with some juggling and slight of hand. After the crowd was warmed up, Chad picked several volunteers from the audience, including a student from each school, North Main Street School teacher "Mark," and our own Parliamentarian Sal Imperiale, to help perform tricks! After the magic show, Chad spent the time making a balloon animal for each individual child, even letting them pick out specific colors of their choice!

As Chad finished up with the balloons, we noticed the children were getting hungry so we handed out bags of popcorn donated by Sonny and Dale Bucceroni (Mrs. B’s Boutique, Ventnor). This kept the kids at bay until the pizzas arrived for lunch shortly thereafter.

A BIG THANK YOU to Ed and Sarah Weinstock (Weinstock & Associates) for donating the pizzas from BOCCA for the childrenbs' lunch for the third year in a row. Also, thanks to Rebecca Lafferty (Cooper Levenson), who donated juice boxes, cookies and brownies for each child; Kamelia and Ivan Pokrovnichka (parents of our Director of Finance, Inna Pokrovnichka), who donated water bottles; and Julie E. Nugent (Weiss & Paarz), who donated plates, napkins, cups, sodas, and trash bags. While the children ate lunch, Paul Robinson (Court Services Officer of the Atlantic County Civil Courthouse) entertained the children with holiday trivia and riddles.

After lunch, Santa, played by John Kiphorn (Court Services Officer of the Atlantic Countyy Civil Courthouse), arrived to take pictures with each child and hand out gifts. YLD members played the part of Santa's elves as they helped Santa call each child up to retrive their gifts. After all of the children had a chance to talk to Santa and received their gifts, Santa counted down from 3, 2 1... at which time the room exploded with shrieks of excitement and bits of wrapping paper as the children opened their gifts in unison. From what we witnessed, the children all loved their gifts!!

Before the children got on the school buses to return home, they were given goodie bags donated by point person Alexa Makris and candy canes donated by Director of Finance Inna Pokrovnichka.

Thanks to our lovely ACBA Officers and Trustees who stopped by the party to suppoirt the Young Lawyers Division- Executive Director, Tamara Lamb; President Joseph Levin (The Law Offices of Joseph A. Levin, LLC); President-Elect Eric Wood (Fox Rothschild); Secretary Sheila Hughes (Cooper Levenson); and Trustee Melissa Rosenblum-Pisetzner (Law Offices of Joseph A. Levin, LLC). Thanks also to YLD Chair-Elect, Adam Busler (Fox Rothschild) and Former-Chair Chris Fallon (Fox Rothschild) for stopping by to help.

After the party ended, YLD members spent an hour cleaning up the jury room and taking down the tree and decorations. Thank you to members Alexa Makris, Jessica Rodio, Mike Donio, Allison Nickels, Mandi Bucceroni and Dan Solt for helping with clean up.

Thanks to the generous donations of ACBA members and the hard work of each of our YLD members, this year's Children's Holiday Party was our most successful yet and went on without a hitch! We not only raised more money than ever at the ACBA Holiday Party (over $4000!), but the party ran smoothly and even ahead of time!

THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the Children's Party in one way or another! #ForTheKids

Visit the ACBA Young Lawyers Division Facebook Page to view our complete photo album of the Children's Holiday Party!

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