Details for the March 10th Speed Networking Event!
Details for the ACBA Young Lawyers Division Speed Networking Event, which will take place on March 10, 2016 at Cuba Libre (Tropicana), are now finalized!
As a younger/newer attorney, you definitely do not want to miss this awesome networking opportunity to converse one-on-one with the mentors who have volunteered to participate in this event.
Date: March 10, 2016
Location: Cuba Libre (Tropicana), Atlantic City
Time: Doors open at 5:30pm for sign in. From 5:30-6:00 a cash bar and complimentary Chips & Dips will be provided. Speed Networking to begin promptly at 6:00pm, to be followed immediately by 1 hour reception with cash bar and option to purchase appetizers at happy hour prices.
Description: The YLD Speed Networking Event is based loosely on the once popular “speed dating.” Mentor-attorneys will be seated at pre-assigned tables; young attorneys, i.e. mentees, will have the unique opportunity to talk one-on-one with each mentor for a period of 5-6 minutes before moving on to the next table/mentor. This organized networking process will last for a total of 1-1.5 hours. Thereafter, the YLD will host an informal reception for anyone who wishes to continue their conversations. During this reception, guests will be able to purchase drinks and appetizers at reduced (happy hour) prices.
Cost: $15
Please note that this event will be different than our other events, as it will be RSVP only. Only lawyers who have RSVP’d in advance by 3-3-16 will be permitted entrance.
RSVP now for this amazing event!!